Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nationwide Home Front Exercise End May in Israel

05/16/10, 4:21 PM

by Hillel Fendel

( The IDF Home Front Command has launched a media campaign in preparation for the national Home Front exercise known in Hebrew as Nekudat Mifneh 4 (Turning Point 4).

The joint exercise will be held by the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA), the IDF Home Front Command, the Israel Police, Magen David Adom emergency services, government offices and local authorities. It will simulate various emergency scenarios and responses provided to civilians in Israel. The focus will be the sounding of a siren across Israel on Wednesday, May 26, at 11:00 AM, requesting that all residents enter protected spaces specified in advance.

The media campaign will include television and radio broadcasts in Hebrew and other languages, as well as internet ads directing the public to the Home Front Command website. In addition, the campaign will include ads in national and target-specific newspapers, such as hareidi-religious and Arabic newspapers.

This year marks the fourth consecutive year the exercise has taken place. It was planned as part of the annual training graph, and was prepared over the past few months by a national administration comprised of various officials. The exercise is billed as "another opportunity to prepare the public and municipal authorities for emergency periods."

During last year's Turning Point 3 five-day exercise, representatives from 70 nations participated as observers, watching Israel simulate a war with Hamas, Hizbullah, and Syria combined with Arab riots and terrorist attacks. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu explained last year that Israel is called upon to provide not only an offensive response to the threats surrounding the country, but also a defensive response for the civilian population.

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